PCOD can lead to a lot of stress, affecting your normal lifestyle.
PCOD is a widely prevalent disorder. Left untreated, it can cause adverse and long-lasting effects on women’s health and delay pregnancy.
PCOD (Polycystic Ovarian Disease) is mostly caused by a combination of hormonal imbalance and genetic predisposition. PCOD is a condition where your ovaries release immature or partially-mature eggs, which can go on to develop into cysts (little sacs filled with liquid). Due to this, the ovaries secrete higher-than-normal amounts of male hormones (androgens) leading to various bodily issues.
- Irregular, heavy or prolonged periods
- Excessive hair growth on the face and body
- Hair thinning on the scalp
- Darkened patches of skin (neck, armpits, elbows, or groin)
- Acne
- Weight gain especially around the belly
At UWAY, our doctors prescribe only proven medicines from well-established and reputed ayurvedic medicine manufacturers. However, just like certain foods do not always agree with everyone, few ayurvedic medicines may cause mild side effects in some patients. This is very rare though. In case you notice any such issue you can always talk to your consulting doctor or our medical team.
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