India’s #1 Multi-Speciality

Ayurveda Healthcare for Complex Health Issues

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India’s # 1 Multi-Speciality

Ayurveda Healthcare for Complex Health Issues

Taking care of your health can be overwhelming. We make it easier, more personalised, less stressful, and truly holistic.

Why Patients Choose UWAY

UWAY is founded by doctors (Ayurveda & Allopathy) who have successfully treated more than 5,00,000 patients with chronic conditions in the last 20 years.

#7 Critical Points Before You Proceed

1. Patient Experience: Above 90% of patients come to UWAY after, or while undergoing other treatments. This is a common scenario for our experienced doctors.

2. Condition Specific: UWAY does not offer treatment for all conditions. Please have a detailed discussion with our medical advisor before proceeding to paid consultation. It’s Free.

3. First Consultation: During your initial online doctor consultation, our doctors typically spend 15 to 30 minutes with you. Please plan your time accordingly.

4. Modern Diagnostic Techniques: At UWAY, we integrate traditional Ayurveda with modern diagnostic methods. Do not be surprised if your doctor advises blood tests, ECG, or MRI (which can be done at  your local diagnostic center).

5. Medicine Quality: UWAY does not manufacture medicines. Our doctors prescribe medicines only from the proven, top manufacturers in Ayurveda.

6. Lifestyle Adaptation: Some patients might find it difficult to consume certain forms of Ayurveda medicines. UWAY doctors will prescribe medicines in forms that suit your lifestyle without compromising the treatment plan.

7. Dietary Advice: Ayurveda is not against non-vegetarian food. Dietary regulations are advised based on the condition and medications and may apply to some vegetarian food as well.

#7 Critical Points Before You Proceed

Patient Experience:

Above 90% of patients come to UWAY after, or while undergoing other treatments. This is a common scenario for our experienced doctors.

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Condition Specific:

UWAY does not offer treatment for all conditions. Please have a detailed discussion with our medical advisor before proceeding to paid consultation. It’s Free.


First Consultation:

During your initial online doctor consultation, our doctors typically spend 15 to 30 minutes with you. Please plan your time accordingly.


Modern Diagnostic Techniques:

At UWAY, we integrate traditional Ayurveda with modern diagnostic methods. Do not be surprised if your doctor advises blood tests, ECG, or MRI (which can be done at  your local diagnostic center)

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Medicine Quality:

UWAY does not manufacture medicines. Our doctors prescribe medicines only from the proven, top manufacturers in Ayurveda.


Lifestyle Adaptation:

Some patients might find it difficult to consume certain forms of Ayurveda medicines. UWAY doctors will prescribe medicines in forms that suit your lifestyle without compromising the treatment plan.

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Dietary Advice:

Ayurveda is not against non-vegetarian food. Dietary regulations are advised based on the condition and medications and may apply to some vegetarian food as well.

Personalised Ayurveda Treatments for Complex Disorders

At UWAY, our doctors integrate Ayurveda’s proven protocols with modern diagnostics for personalised care and optimal outcomes in complex conditions.

Ayurveda Healthcare for Complex Health Issues, digestive issues


Did you know that approximately two out of every five people are affected by functional Gastrointestinal disorders.

Ayurveda Healthcare for Complex Health Issues , joints and muscle

Joints & Muscle

Did you know that there are more than 1.7 billion people who suffer from musculoskeletal disorders. In fact, there are more than 150 different types of musculoskeletal disorders.

Ayurveda Healthcare for Complex Health Issues, gynecology


Missed or late periods always don’t indicate pregnancy; it could also be due to various underlying gynecological disorders.

Ayurveda Healthcare for Complex Health Issues, endocrine


Endocrine disorders result from the malfunction of the endocrine system, which is made up of eight major glands that produce hormones.

Ayurveda Healthcare for Complex Health Issues, respiratory problems


Diseases that affect your lungs and breathing can play a vital role in your overall health and quality of everyday life.

Ayurveda Healthcare for Complex Health Issues, skin and hair

Hair & Skin

Your skin and hair can mirror your inner health. Skin diseases are among the most common of all human health disorders and affect almost 900 million people in the world at any given time.

Ayurveda Healthcare for Complex Health Issues, digestive issues


Ayurveda Healthcare for Complex Health Issues , joints and muscle

Joint & Muscle

Ayurveda Healthcare for Complex Health Issues, gynecology


Ayurveda Healthcare for Complex Health Issues, endocrine


Ayurveda Healthcare for Complex Health Issues, respiratory problems


Ayurveda Healthcare for Complex Health Issues, skin and hair

Hair and Skin

Our Testimonials

Our Patients Tell Our Story Best

Their stories of recovery and well-being inspire us to continue providing exceptional services.

Patients choose us for our holistic and personalised approach. We tailor treatments to each individual’s unique needs, ensuring the best possible outcomes. Whether you’re dealing with digestive, musculoskeletal, gynaecological, endocrine, respiratory, or skin conditions, UWAY’s expertise in Ayurveda for complex health issues offers relief and healing.

For those seeking solutions through Ayurveda for complex health issues, our online doctor consultations have transformed many lives.

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